Source code for camayoc.tests.qpc.ui.utils

# coding=utf-8
"""Utility class for UI tests."""
import time

import pytest
from selenium.common.exceptions import MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
from smartloc import Locator
from widgetastic.exceptions import WidgetOperationFailed
from widgetastic.widget import Checkbox
from widgetastic.widget import GenericLocatorWidget
from widgetastic.widget import TextInput
from widgetastic_patternfly import Button
from widgetastic_patternfly import Dropdown

from .views import CredentialModalView
from .views import DashboardView
from .views import DeleteModalView
from .views import SourceModalView

    "Network": "Network Range",
    "Satellite": "Satellite",
    "VCenter": "vCenter Server",

    "name": "Credential Name",
    "username": "Username",
    "password": "Password",
    "become_user": "Become User",
    "become_pass": "Become Password",
    "source_type": "Source Type",
    "sshkeyfile": "SSH Key File",
    "passphrase": "Passphrase",

[docs]def wait_for_animation(wait_time=0.5): """Wait for animations to complete.""" time.sleep(wait_time)
[docs]def row_xpath(row_name): """Build an xpath for selecting a certain row. Works for credentials or sources. """ return ( f'//div[contains(@class, "list-view-pf-top-align")' f' and descendant::div[text()="{row_name}"]]' )
[docs]def checkbox_xpath(row_name): """Build an xpath for selecting a checkbox in a row. Works for credentials or sources. """ return ( f'//div[contains(@class, "list-view-pf-top-align")' f' and descendant::div[text()="{row_name}"]]' f'/descendant::input[contains(@type,"checkbox")]' )
[docs]def delete_xpath(row_name): """Return an xpath for selecting the delete button in a row. Works for credentials or sources. """ return ( f'//div[contains(@class, "list-view-pf-top-align") and ' f'descendant::div[text()="{row_name}"]]/descendant::span' f'[contains(@class, "pficon-delete")]' )
[docs]def edit_xpath(row_name): """Return an xpath for selecting the edit button in a row. Works for credentials or sources. """ return ( f'//div[contains(@class, "list-view-pf-top-align") and ' f'descendant::div[text()="{row_name}"]]/descendant::span' f'[contains(@class, "pficon-edit")]' )
[docs]def check_auth_type(credential_name, auth_type): """Verify the authentication type of a credential. Example types include 'SSH Key' and 'Username and Password'. If the Locator cannot find a match, an exception is raised. """ Locator( xpath=( f'//span[text()="{auth_type}" and ancestor::node()[2]' f'//*[text()="{credential_name}"]]' ) )
[docs]def set_checkbox(view, name, fill): """Fill or clear a checkbox next to a credential.""" checkbox = Checkbox(view, locator=Locator(xpath=checkbox_xpath(name))) try: checkbox.fill(fill) except WidgetOperationFailed: clear_toasts(view=view) checkbox.fill(fill)
[docs]def fill(view, xpath_locator, text): """Fill in a textbox using a xpath locator.""" TextInput(view, locator=Locator(xpath=xpath_locator)).fill(text)
[docs]def field_xpath(label, textarea=False): """Build an xpath for selecting a form field based on its label.""" if textarea: return f'//textarea[ancestor::node()[2]/label[text() = "{label}"]]' else: return f'//input[ancestor::node()[2]/label[text() = "{label}"]]'
[docs]def get_field_value(view, label, textarea=False): """Get the current value of a form field.""" return view.element(field_xpath(label, textarea)).get_property("value")
[docs]def radio_xpath(label): """Build an xpath for selecting a radio button based on its label.""" return f'//label[text()="{label}"]'
[docs]def clear_toasts(view, count=20): """Attempt to flush any confirmation dialogs that may have appeared. Use this function to clear out dialogs (toasts) that may be preventing buttons from being clicked properly. Sometimes it might need to be used in succession. By default, this tries to flush a maximum of 20 toasts, but will quit early if it cannot find more. """ for i in range(count): try: view.wait_for_element(locator=Locator(css=".close"), timeout=0.6) GenericLocatorWidget(view, locator=Locator(css=".close")).click() except ( MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException, NoSuchElementException, StaleElementReferenceException, ): break
[docs]def fill_credential_info(view, options): """Fill out the credential modal based on available options.""" for option, data in options.items(): # Skip source type as it can't be edited here. if option == "source_type": continue # Locate the dropdown and select the appropriate type. if (option == "sshkeyfile") or (option == "password"): if options["source_type"] == "Network": try: auth_type = Dropdown(view, "Username and Password") if option == "sshkeyfile": auth_type.item_select("SSH Key") except NoSuchElementException: auth_type = Dropdown(view, "SSH Key") if option == "password": auth_type.item_select("Username and Password") view.clear(field_xpath(CREDENTIAL_FIELD_LABELS[option])) fill(view, field_xpath(CREDENTIAL_FIELD_LABELS[option]), data)
[docs]def create_credential(view, options): """Create a credential through the UI.""" clear_toasts(view=view) dash = DashboardView(view)"Credentials") # Display differs depending on whether or not credentials already exist. try: add_credential_dropdown = Dropdown(view, "Add Credential") add_credential_dropdown.item_select(options["source_type"] + " Credential") except NoSuchElementException: add_credential_dropdown = Dropdown(view, "Add") add_credential_dropdown.item_select(options["source_type"] + " Credential") modal = CredentialModalView(view, locator=Locator(css=".modal-content")) # Workaround, should be `assert modal.save_button.disabled` # # assert modal.save_button.browser.get_attribute("disabled", modal.save_button) fill_credential_info(view, options) assert not modal.save_button.browser.get_attribute("disabled", modal.save_button) # Hack to deal with the fact that the GET refresh isn't # implemented when the save button is clicked. # # wait_for_animation() wait_for_animation() view.refresh()"Credentials") # Assert the row with the credential name exists. view.wait_for_element(locator=Locator(xpath=row_xpath(options["name"])), delay=0.5, timeout=10) assert isinstance(view.element(locator=Locator(xpath=row_xpath(options["name"]))), WebElement)
[docs]def delete_credential(view, names): """Delete a credential through the UI.""" view.refresh() dash = DashboardView(view)"Credentials") # Select all the checkboxes next to the credentials to be deleted. for name in names: set_checkbox(view, name, True) Button(view, "Delete").click() DeleteModalView(view, locator=Locator(css=".modal-content")) # Wait for the deletion animations to complete, # and verify that the rows are gone. wait_for_animation(1) for name in names: with pytest.raises(NoSuchElementException): view.wait_for_element(locator=Locator(xpath=row_xpath(name)), timeout=1)
[docs]def edit_credential(view, original_name, options): """Edit a credential through the UI and verify it was edited. :param view: The view context (should be the browser view) :param original_name: The original name of the credential. :param options: The options to be edited within the credential. """ view.refresh() dash = DashboardView(view)"Credentials") view.wait_for_element(locator=Locator(xpath=(edit_xpath(original_name)))) GenericLocatorWidget(view, locator=Locator(xpath=edit_xpath(original_name))).click() modal = CredentialModalView(view, locator=Locator(css=".modal-content")) wait_for_animation(1) fill_credential_info(view, options) # Hack to deal with the fact that the GET refresh isn't # implemented when the save button is clicked. # # wait_for_animation() wait_for_animation() view.refresh()"Credentials") # Assert the row with the credential name exists. # If the name was updated, use the new name. current_name = original_name if "name" in options: current_name = options["name"] view.wait_for_element(locator=Locator(xpath=row_xpath(current_name)), delay=0.5, timeout=10) GenericLocatorWidget(view, locator=Locator(xpath=edit_xpath(current_name))).click() modal = CredentialModalView(view, locator=Locator(css=".modal-content")) # Assert that the changed variables were in fact changed. # Passwords are skipped because they aren't accessible. for option, data in options.items(): if (option == "password") or (option == "become_pass") or (option == "source_type"): continue browser_data = get_field_value(view, CREDENTIAL_FIELD_LABELS[option]) if option == "sshkeyfile": # tmp files are resolved with alias prefixes in some cases. # the characters afer the final '/' remain consistent. assert browser_data.rpartition("/")[2] == data.rpartition("/")[2] else: assert browser_data == data
[docs]def create_source(view, credential_name, source_type, source_name, addresses): """Create a source through the UI.""" clear_toasts(view=view) dash = DashboardView(view)"Sources") # Display varies depending on whether or not sources already exist. wait_for_animation(1) try: Button(view, "Add Source").click() except NoSuchElementException: Button(view, "Add").click() # Source creation wizard modal = SourceModalView(view, locator=Locator(css=".modal-content")) radio_label = SOURCE_TYPE_RADIO_LABELS[source_type] # Wait for radio button to become responsive before clicking a source type. wait_for_animation() GenericLocatorWidget(modal, locator=Locator(xpath=radio_xpath(radio_label))).click() wait_for_animation(1) # Fill in required source information. fill(modal, field_xpath("Name"), source_name) if source_type == "Network": fill(modal, field_xpath("Search Addresses", textarea=True), addresses) fill(modal, field_xpath("Port"), "") # default port of 22 cred_dropdown = Dropdown(modal, "Select one or more credentials") cred_dropdown.item_select(credential_name) else: fill(modal, field_xpath("IP Address or Hostname"), addresses) cred_dropdown = Dropdown(modal, "Select a credential") cred_dropdown.item_select(credential_name) Button(modal, "Save").click() wait_for_animation(2) view.wait_for_element(locator=Locator('//button[text()="Close"]')) Button(modal, "Close", classes=[Button.PRIMARY]).click() wait_for_animation(1) # mitigate database lock issue quipucords/quipucords/issues/1275 clear_toasts(view=view) # Verify that the new row source has been created. view.wait_for_element(locator=Locator(xpath=row_xpath(source_name))) view.element(locator=Locator(xpath=row_xpath(source_name)))
[docs]def delete_source(view, source_name): """Delete a source through the UI.""" clear_toasts(view=view) dash = DashboardView(view)"Sources") wait_for_animation() view.wait_for_element(locator=Locator(xpath=(delete_xpath(source_name)))) GenericLocatorWidget(view, locator=Locator(xpath=delete_xpath(source_name))).click() # mitigate database lock issue quipucords/quipucords/issues/1275 wait_for_animation() DeleteModalView(view) wait_for_animation() clear_toasts(view=view) with pytest.raises(NoSuchElementException): view.wait_for_element(locator=Locator(xpath=delete_xpath(source_name)), timeout=2)